was commissioned, in 1997 to write the official celebration of The Queen and Prince Philip’s Golden Wedding. It was for the combined band of the Coldstream, Grenadier, Scots, Irish and Welsh Guards, (150 musicians) plus 100 pipers, all serving or former pipe ,majors from the guards’ regiments, mostly the Scots’ Guards.

 I was asked to do several royal pieces after that; notably the theme for The Queen opening the Channel Tunnel with President Mitterrand of France. I had written a song called “When Flags Fly Together” – the international optimism of which which sadly seems rather out of kilter with today’s frosty, dangerous  world. 

 Another time, I was asked by Buckingham Palace to write a piece for The Queen's Diamond Jubilee, and I write "I Will Be There" which we recorded on Katie Mekua's 6th album, "Ketevan". The song 's video (shot as we recorded the piece and directed by Michael Dunne) has since received 41m views!